Storm Water Drain System

Strom Water Infographic

We can all do our part to help keep our waterways clean and clear of debris. Below are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don't pour or flush Fats, Oils, or Grease - These can clog pipes and cause blockages that can be both problematic and expensive to solve. Save your used grease to donate at one of our bi-annual grease recycling events, or drop it off at one of our eleven (11) stationary drop-off sites located throughout the Columbus area. These sites are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience. To view the eleven stationary drop-off sites, click here.


  • Don't Pour or Flush expired or unwanted medications down the drain - These substances can make their way into our water supplies and can be harmful to the environment. 


  • Don't Pour Chemicals, Paint, Motor Oil, or other Automotive Fluids down the drain - These substances can also make their way into our water supply. Please take these to a recycling center to be disposed of properly.


  • Limit or eliminate chemical pesticides and fertilizers - These chemicals can make their way into groundwater and into neighboring waterways after heavy rainfall. Instead, use organic fertilizing methods such as composting.


  • Pick up after your pets - Animal waste can contain harmful organisms such as e.coli and giardia. These organisms can make their way into the water supply causing harm to local wildlife and more.


  • Don't litter - All trash needs to be disposed of properly in trash receptacles. Items such as plastic bags, straws, cigarette butts, and more can find their way into the waterways. We don't want that!